Tuesday, October 31, 2006


I have learned my lesson! Do not give Lance sugar! That boy is hyped up right now.

They had fun trick or treating tonight. We went to about 5 houses which was just the right amount for Woody(Lance). He was adorable following Buzz (Garrett) around dragging his pumpkin behind him. And Buzz was so brave. He walked up to the houses by himself and rang the door bells and said "Trick or treat thank you." He was very proud of his candy. And had a fit when he thought Daddy was eating it.

We came home and let Garrett help pass out candy until it was bedtime. He was exhausted from Circus Day at school and then all the Halloween festivities tonight.

I have pictures to share and I am going to try to explain them if Blogger lets me.

Taking the guts out with Daddy on Sunday night.

Where is Garrett? He thought he was hilarious.

This is Lance at Circus Day at MDO. I can't show any other pictures because they have other little children in them. But I promise they are cute!

Garrett all ready to Trick or Treat!

Here we go! Lance rode in the wagon between houses.

Garrett is taking invetory of his candy.

Lance is looking for all the suckers- his favorites.

And a picture of our pumpkins. I forgot to turn off the flash!


grandma' place said...

Oh, what cute pictures! Looks like that boys had great fun. Garrett will be talking about this for awhile.

Daly said...

Oh adorable! Seems like only yesterday my kids were this little..ahhhh.