Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Garrett had a huge disappointment today. His field trip was cancelled. When I told him his bottom lip just started quivering! It broke my heart. Why was it cancelled? Well- we had over 10 inches of rain in 24 hours. We were going to Dewberry Farm to pick pumpkins. He was so excited and it would have been his first field trip. Hopefully they can reschedule soon.

And because of the rain we do not have phone service. So I am not ignoring you if you are trying to call me. At least not today. It is weird because we have internet but not phone. And you can still leave a voice mail if you need to. Billy is checking them for me. The kicker is that they can not get out here to fix it today. It is a problem with our line and they will be here sometime tomorrow. So guess what I get to do tomorrow.

I am willing to bet the ants are the cause of my quiet phone today. Because they are back and they are invading the house. We can't keep them out and it is driving me nuts. I cleaned like a mad woman yesterday, vacuumed three times and picked up everything that they could be interested in. And they still come. I guess the rain is driving them in. Or else mt house is just that cozy.

So that is it for today. Isn't my life exciting?

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