Thursday, May 18, 2006

So Sorry

I am so sorry I have not updated this week! It has been BUSY. And now I am making 4 carrot cakes.

After I dropped Garrett off at MDO on Tuesday, Lance and I went to Walmart to get some diapers, toothpaste, toothbrushes, etc. That kind of stuff. We went on home and I put it all up. Went to get Garrett. Came home and I started laundry. In the time it took to change out the clothes, Garrett squeezed an ENTIRE tube of baby toothpaste out. So, I cleaned it up. Then I was cleaning the kitchen and it was very quiet. I went to go check on Garrett. He was in his bathroom dumping the baby shampoo out into the tub. It was also a brand new bottle. He also poured his water on his brother. And destroyed Lance's ear plugs (not the custom ones.) All of this occurred within an hour and half after school. I ordered pizza that night.

Wednesday we went to lunch and shopping with Sugie. She then went with us to Lance's check- up. His ear tubes are looking great and his hearing test was much improved. He is in the normal ranges now. He does have another sinus infection. New meds to try for it. But this is the first time he has had a runny nose and NO ear infection! I wish we would have had the tubes put in sooner. He has to stay on the Zyrtec still. I was hoping he could come off of it but his eczema is flaring up. After that we went on home.

And now I am baking.

I promise pictures this weekend. Maybe a video.

1 comment:

Justin and Susie said...

Hey don't worry about my code thing- it is no big deal- you have more important things to do- like keep Garrett out of trouble!! :)