Thursday, April 20, 2006


I took Lance to the ENT today. He needs ear tubes. We were hoping that he wouldn't since he is already one year but no such luck. So we (I) are looking into the insurance coverage and cost and surgery centers. Yuck! Maybe I can wait until after South Padre???

Not much is going on around here. Just trying to keep cool. Summer has hit us hard! I am not ready for the hot temperatures. My poor little guys sweat so much when we go outside. We don't have much shade because our tree just started putting out leaves. Between the heat and the bugs you would think it was August! Oh- the bugs are Taquitos. Garrett language for mosquitoes.

Guess who is turning two? Miss Shelby! My one and only niece. She is having a Care Bear party next weekend. Can't wait to see her (and her parents). Next weekend I also have a MOPS mini-retreat. I am really excited about that. Not only will it be a fun day with a great group of moms but I will NOT have to feed or bathe anyone that night! I get chills just thinking about it. Billy and I also have an ADULT birthday party coming up for one of his co-workers. No cartoon characters, no cupcakes, no juice boxes. Do you know how long it has been since we have been to a party without kids?

One more thing before I share some pictures. Today was pet day at Garrett's MDO. I couldn't take Trevor because we had to go to the doctor. So Garrett got to pick one of his fuzzy animals to take with him. I was thinking he would pick his puppy or raccoon. No, he picks his largest animal. Big Duck as we like to call him. The thing is bigger than Lance. He is in a picture below. Garrett also sleeps with him. Or on him I should say. In his bed a night he has the following: Big Duck, Regular Duck, Peef, Corduroy, Raccoon, Puppy, Tiger, Lumpy, Roo, Little Tiger and Birthday Bear. He also MUST have a few books and lately his golf club when he goes to sleep. It is no wonder he climbs into our bed at night. I'll stop rambling now...

Credits:: Faith True's Fete des Fleurs Kit and Dani Mogstad's chipboard alpha. Fonts are SP Coffee Break and Tangerine

I have more but it is not letting me upload right now. Will update later...

1 comment:

Justin and Susie said...

Way cute picture! I cannot wait to see yall!! Looks like Billy has been getting some sun!