Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Anyone Want A Three Year Old?

I got one for you- real cheap!

The past few days have been rough! I would never give away my child but I wouldn't mind a Mommy time-out! Garrett is testing his boundaries. His new tactic is to ask the same question over and over (about 20 times). I guess he thinks that eventually he will get the answer he wants. But as anyone who knows me can tell you, I win that game! I have even more determination and stubbornness than he does.

I am also having DSL trouble. All is fine on my end. The router for this area is being worked on and that causes interruption. So I am told. I will give it another day before I complain again. I am not happy about it because I need to get some things done for MOPS and playgroup.

Enough venting. Garrett has asked me about 50 times today if he can go to school. He knows he is having an egg hunt and party on Thursday. I told him after he watches Barney (comes on right before we leave) So after supper he came up to me with a Barney video and said "Can I watch this and go to school?" I need to come up with a few new tricks!

We are very excited that Shane and Lauren will be moving soon!!!! I know my parents are. I am sure Garrett and Lance will be thrilled also. No more teaching Garrett ANYTHING Shane! I am trying to undo the horse stuff and I hear about bombs all the time.

Well, it is almost time for LOST. So here are a few layouts to share.

Credits:: papers, scallop edge, ribbons and stitched are all from Shabby Princess, doodles are from DDE

Credits:: Brenda Kempf's Little Peeps and Shabby Princess stitches

Gotta go before I lose my connection again....


Anonymous said...

We are looking forward to getting back to Texas as well.
Garrett...keep dropping those dirty bombs (just not in your pants). better oil your reel and get ready for some competition out on the bay. Lord knows Joby and Dad can't bring home any meat.
Amanda..Love you and the website. I don't know how you do it. See you soon
Love Shane

Anonymous said...

I will pay 2 cents, is that enough. jk, you might have to pay me. you know how much i love those dirty dippers. :) and i just want to clear something up about my fishing skills, shane has never caught more fish than me, i doubt that he even remember how to cast or bait his hook.
Speaking of fishing, what is billy doing Sat. morn.? I know that the Cospers are going fishing.
Ok, i wil see yall in a couple of days. goodnight
Love joby

Anonymous said...

Just remember that 3 year old is someday going to be a 30 year old and you will only remember how wonderful he was! I love seeing the pictures of my grandbabies. See you Saturday.
Love, MOM