Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Summer is here!

Can you believe it? Summer is here. It is already 80 degrees outside and it is only noon! We didn't have a winter this year. The only seasons around here are fall and summer. But that is ok. Warm weather means I can turn the sprinkler on and it will keep the boys occupied for HOURS! The only problem is getting the sunblock on but keeping it our if their eyes. I found this stuff that sprays on. Garrett thought it was neat.

Garrett and Lance are playing together more and more each day. They will play Little People, race cars, kitchen band, ball and wrestle. I think their favorite is wrestling. It is funny now because Lance has figured out how to fight back. He slaps really well. They also like to play the piano together. They can usually stand about 30 minutes of each other and then I have to separate them.

I apologize for the poor picture quality. My camera has an awful lag time and tiny flash.

I completed another layout that is not of my boys! This is Susie and Justin. I used a filter on the picture from Virtual Photographer. I find I am doing that to most of my photos.

Credits:: Andrea Burns Sunrise Surprise Kit and Jen Wilson stitch

I am signing off for now. I need to give Lance his antibiotic. I have to slip it in when he is sleeping. Such a stinker!


Justin and Susie said...

I love love love that layout!!! Can I get a copy?

Lauren Grier said...

Hey.. blurry or not I can tell those kiddos are ADORABLE ;) BEAUTIFUL layout as well :)

KirstyB said...

Garrett and Lance are adorable (blurry or not)!!! Loved the boy band layout you did!!!

I just realized that I'm on your "Blogs I read" list!! Is it cheesy that I am totally tickled by that?!?!? LOL

Deanna said...