Sunday, April 09, 2006

Sunday Sunday Sunday

What a great day! After church and nap we went to the park to go fishing. Garrets version of fishing is not the same as his Daddy's! He wouldn't touch the worms but of course, Lance had no fear of them. I think Garrett enjoyed chasing the ducks more! Lance hung out in the wagon for a while then toddled around and tried to get in the water. We then went over to the park and played for a few minutes. When we got home the boys had popsicles. Lance somehow knew exactly what to do! They also played in the sprinkler and pool. Fun! Here are a few highlights:

Almost time for Gray's Anatomy. Have a great week! Posted by Picasa


grandma' place said...

Thanks for helping me. I will get this down one day. I really have to because all of you have a sight now and this is great. I can really keep up with what is going on.

Justin and Susie said...

Bummer! Rerun tonight! Love the pictures of Billy and the Boys!