Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Another rainy Tuesday. I am sitting here listening to Lance playing in his bed. Hopefully he will fall asleep soon. He is cutting at least one 2 year molar and has been miserable lately. He just chews on his pacifier constantly. He will turn it sideways and just gnaw away. But the tooth pain has not stopped him from his destructive tendencies! He is at the stage where he loves to watch things fall down- the pile of folded clothes I was trying to put away, the tower of blocks Garrett was building, the dog bowl full of dog food and his food from his plate. He is also talking constantly. Sunday night (or should I say Monday morning) I heard him calling from his bed "Momma please" so I went in there and gave him some Motrin and milk. 30 minutes later I hear "Momma nutter milk peas" which translates to Momma another milk please. My favorite is when he comes to me, pulls my hand and says "come, please" and leads me to what he wants. It amazes me to watch him learn to talk. We never experienced this with Garrett. Garrett did not talk until he was almost 3. One day he woke up and decided to talk. He totally skipped the baby talk.

But Garrett is not skipping the horrible fours! If this is a glimpse of what will happen in ten years I am scared. He gets mad, storms into his room and slams the door. Tells me he doesn't like it here and is running away. Pushes Lance for no reason. Is very defiant. Ignores me. He is nothing like me- must get that from his Daddy. Deanna is you think the 2s are tough just wait! The 2s are just a precursor!

I have been busy creating lately. I have lots and lots of projects to show. But I think I will break it up over a few days.

First are 2 layouts I made using some new kits from Dani Mogstad (released on Feb. 1)

This kit is now in my all time favorites. If you haven't figured it out yet, I love to use orange. Don't know why. I was raised to not like orange- it was all maroon. But I guess it is a little bit of rebellion to use it now. And I like it.

And this was for the Digi Dares. I had Garrett take my picture and ask me questions. Ohhh the mind of a 4 year old boy. I edited out the bodily noises questions. This kit will also be available Feb.1 and is a GREAT boy kit! Lots of goodies in it!

I hear my little munchkin coughing. Guess I better go dose him up. Catch you later!

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