Thursday, January 25, 2007


Lance and his new hair cut:

Garrett climbing a tree:



I took Garrett to see the doctor today and he does have an ear infection- two of them. The right ear is worse than the left but there were definitely "bugs" in there. So now he is on a round of antibiotics. This should be interesting since he is allergic to most antibiotics and will most likely get a rash. Dr. C checked and the last time he had to get medicine was last March.

After the Dr visit I took the boys to MDO. Lance was excited to go today. He must have had a growth spurt because he towers over all the other little kiddies. I went ahead and let Garrett go on his field trip since he did not have a fever and was dying to go. I drove him and a classmate to the jump place. And he jumped for 2 hours straight! They then had pizza and we took them back to the church. Garrett wanted to stay because they were going to "rest" and watch a movie. That was fine with me! So I have an hour to myself right now. And I am using that hour to get rid of the headache that 40 3 and 4 yr olds can give you.

After I pick them up and we have snack we are going to put all the toys in their proper homes. Somehow this week toys got scattered everywhere and it is driving me nuts! Lance is really into Thomas right now and there is a train in every room. And there is always laundry to do. Good thing Thursday night is my TV night. I can sit and fold while watching my shows.

Tomorrow is MOPS and more cleaning. Saturday is going to be a Family Fun Day and Sunday we have church and I need to get a good picture taken of the boys. Somewhere in there I would love to take a nap- or even sleep in but I doubt that is likely.

Time to go get the boys!

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