Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Garrett is obsessed with CARS. Cars everything! We have a collection of the McDonald's CARS and they go everywhere with him. He sleeps with Lighting McQueen and on him since he now has CARS sheets. He wanted CARS shoes but Target was out. We have in depth conversations about CARS and what they said in the movie. Lighting McQueen and Mater now have a place in his prayers. I hope the movie comes out on DVD in time for Christmas. I think it has replaced Toy Story.

Not much is happening here. We have spent a few days at the church painting the Discovery Land. I am sore today. I forget how short my arms are. And how messy I am when I paint. I don't get it anywhere but on myself.

Can you believe that Lance is 17 months today? He is growing too fast. He has developed a big boy look and is losing the baby fast. He also thinks he is a big boy. He spends his day doing everything big brother does. Including jumping off the couch and bed. He also likes to get his tools and go around the house fixing everything. And he dances. Oh how he dances!!!! I need to get a video of it. Hilarious! But he is still my cuddler. He will always stop playing to give a hug or kiss. He also loves to get bear, bunny and a blanket and curl up on my lap. I take every opportunity he gives to love on him. Oh yeah- he also learned how to tell you shhhhhhhhh- complete with sound and finger to the mouth. Yup- told everyone in Target to SHHH SHHHH SHHHHH today.

I need to get to bed. I have another tree to paint in the morning and whatever else Emily draws! Here are a few layouts from the weekend:





1 comment:

Justin and Susie said...

Cute layouts! I love the one of Trevor. Not that the boys aren't cute but it is fun to see a dog on your page!