Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Okay- only my fellow Aggies will understand this little story. The boys were watching Sesame Street this morning in the living room and I was ironing *gasp* in my bedroom. Garrett was on the couch and Lance on the floor. Lance stood up and walked towards the TV. He likes to go touch Elmo. Of course he was blocking Garrett's view. So Garrett yells "SIT DOWN BUS DRIVER!" Cracked me up!

And then I was on the phone with a friend. I was telling her about something that happened and how it really bugged me. Garrett then asked me what kind of bug was it?

And Lance. Lance is beginning to try to talk. The words that you can really understand are juice (which he calls all drinks) and bye bye. But the rest of the time he just babbles. But it is hilarious because he does it so emphatically. And he thinks he is Mr. Big Boy now. He will go sit on the little potty- with all his clothes on. I just think he wants to get a starburst like his brother does.

Tonight Garrett begins Awanas. Lance will be an Awana Friend and get to play. I have a meeting and Billy will go with Garrett. It will be interesting because we won't get home until after 8:30 which is past bedtime.

I am not looking forward to tomorrow. Lance is going to the podiatrist to have his toes looked at. I have a feeling they may have to dig his nail out. He still has little chubby feet although he has slimmed down everywhere else.

Before I go I want to share my pleasant surprise I saw this morning. I was checking my email and blogroll and saw that I was the Reader Pick of the Day.

I need to go hop in the shower and get ready for tonight.


Ryan & Ann said...

Congratulations on your Reader pick of the day!! I love that layout.

Justin and Susie said...

What is awana? Is this with church?