Tuesday, August 29, 2006


What the heck happened to Dimetapp? It is no where to be found! I called Lance's pedi today to try and get some snot stopping medicine and they told me to use Dimetapp and they increased his dosage. So we packed up and went to Walgreens and there is NO Dimetapp. The lady behind the counter said it was pulled from the shelves. So then I asked Billy to stop at WalMart and get some. And it is not there either! From what we gathered- it was taken off the market until they "re-formulate" it with something other than pseudoepherdrine. Thanks Meth Heads! Because of you I can no longer get the good stuff for my sick child. UGH!

I just checked my StatCounter and I received 52 hits yesterday! Who are you people?

And since my mother-in-law was wanting to see more:

Created using Dani Mogstad's Retro Rerun kit Fabulous Fall available at designbydani.

Created using Kelly Shults Curiosities Kit available at ACOT.

Guess what????

Garrett is almost accident free!!! The few accidents he has had lately have been when he was writing words. And they have been outside. Here is a picture of G writing and smelling his words. Today's word was HOT.

And this is Lance trying to be a big boy. He wants to go potty outside like his Daddy and brother.

And Garrett and Billy watching football and eating cheese puffs.

OK- this is long enough. I need to save some for the next post! :)


Justin and Susie said...

love the football pic! Billy's hair is long! I bet he doesn't have time for a haircut right? It looks good like that! :)

Anonymous said...

I am one of your 52 hits! I found your link on the Houston Babycenter board. My name is Tanya and I live in Katy with 2 kids--Grace age 4 and Jack almost 3. I have a blog, but don't update very often. http://txward.blogspot.com/

Kelly said...

Saw your comment - thanks for stopping by!
My Garrett just turned 4 in July. July 4th actually. And I'm guessing you saw that my little guy,Carson, was 18 months last week. Weird that our boys are pretty much the same age!
About the Dimetapp, I just used some last week for my kids. I watch my niece Kylee (also 4) and she had that summer cold. Dimetapp cleared it right up. Weird they pulled it there (where there is! :)) and not here (Idaho)
Anyway, thanks for the comment. Feel free to stop by anytime! :)