Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Garrett is all about the numbers lately. He wants 10 of everything. 10 cars, 10 starbursts(yeah right), 10 crayons, 10 bites of lunch. He just told me he wants to watch Toy Story 10. He makes me laugh.

Lance is a handful. That sentences says it all. I can not give him a bath without getting soaked. He spends his day looking for things to knock down and throw. He is also very dirty. Always has a grubby face. He chases Trevor around saying "bar bar"- his way of barking. Oh but he loves to snuggle when he finally decides to wind down.

Trevor is driving me nuts. He is digging out of the back yard to come to the front door to be let in. Doesn't go anywhere else. Just wants to use the front door.

Billy- who is Billy? Just joking! He is working is tail off to get this school finished. Wouldn't be so bad if he didn't have to make a 70 mile drive to get there. And be out in the heat all day. Everyone will be glad when this job is over and we can get closer back to normal.

And I am just fine and dandy. Especially now that I have a dryer. Yup, I did not have a dryer for a few days. I started doing laundry and it just wouldn't dry. Billy looked at it and could have fixed it but the parts alone would have been as much as getting a newer one. So yesterday I spent the day hanging clothes on my temporary clothes line. It was so hot that it took no time for the clothes to dry. But I did have to go run out and pull them down when it started raining. I learned last night that I cannot wear clothes that are dried outside. I am not too fond of the smell but it was the allergies that killed me! I itched like crazy all night long. But I am back in business today. My new to me dryer came this morning. The boys think it is great.

So- last Sunday I had a long meeting and let the three boys here alone. This is what happens when it is Daddy time:

Dirty dirty boys. He must have done something right because Garrett went to bed at 6:45. And Lance would have been not far behind if would have kept his diaper on instead of taking it off again and again. Gonna have to start using the duct tape on it.

I have not been able to scrap lately. No inspiration. I am hoping to be able to rearrange the house and move the desk soon and I hope that gets me going again. But I did do this page:


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