Sunday, September 17, 2006


What a great Saturday we had! So great we all ended up feeling pretty yucky today! So let me give you the re-cap:

7:00 Lance wakes us all up
7:15 Daddy and the boys make breakfast and Lance proceeds to eat all the scrambled eggs
8:45 The guys leave to go get haircuts and I start getting dressed
10:45 Leave to go to the company picnic
12:30 Finally get there after a stop at Sonic for drinks and another stop to find the pacifier
12:45 Eat BBQ lunch and Popsicles
1:00 Ride the carousel, train, get snow cones and popcorn, play miniature golf and skee ball
2:00 Put Lance in the stroller to rest while Mommy plays bingo and Daddy and Garrett play more golf and hit the pinatas
3:45 Boys run around while we wait for the door prizes (we didn't win)
4:00 Ride the carousel and then run down the hill to catch the last train ride, take a look at the petting zoo and other animals they have there
4:30 Leave the picnic, stop at Sonic for supper and go home- EXHAUSTED!

But wait- that is not the end!

6:45 Boys get cleaned up and ready for bed
7:15 Garrett is sacked out and Lance is talking to himself
8:30 Mommy gets sick and goes to bed
12:00 Garrett wakes up and Billy finds him in the kitchen getting a drink and tells him he can sleep in our bed because "I not felling better" as Garrett puts it
1:45 Mommy moves to the couch because Garrett won't stop playing with her hair (doing this in his sleep)
2:00 Lance wakes up crying- find paci and all is better
2:15 Drunk neighbors come home and start fighting and slamming doors
3:00 Lance is still awake so I get him some warm milk
3:30 Mommy finally falls asleep
7:15 Lance wakes us all up

So we ended up not going to church and just laying around resting today. And I think it will be an early night for us all!

We had a great time yesterday and I got some pictures of the boys enjoying it all. Wanna see?

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