Thursday, September 14, 2006


There is nothing sweeter than watching the three cousins together. How is it that they only see each other a few times each year but seem to be best of friends every time they are together? They just fall back into place- never missing a beat.

We went to the zoo yesterday with Grandma, Shelby and Deanna. It was a blast! Perfect weather, no crowds and happy kids! Garrett and Shelby were too cute holding hands all day and repeating everything to each other. And for some strange reason they were both very excited to see the giraffes and when we finally made our way over there they could have cared less! I think the animal they enjoyed the most were the monkeys. The monkeys were playing chase and Garrett thought it was the most hilarious thing ever! But the most memorable part of the day would have to be the splash area. My boys went wild!

Lance had it good! Hat on head, map in hand and Grandma pulling the wagon.

The three monkeys outside the World of Primates.

Lance in the splash pad at the Children's Zoo.

This is Lance knocking on the goat. He doesn't pet- he knocks.

On the carousel ride. I took the pictures since carousels make me sick.

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