Thursday, September 07, 2006


Today was Lancer's first day at MDO. He walked right in, grabbed his bear and started playing. Not even a little glance back at Mommy. Just about every other kid in the room was crying. I think all the crying kids confused him. I just hope the day goes well. Nap time is about the time when he will start missing me. Here are a few pictures from this morning. Did not get that many because Lance does not stand still!

And what did I do with my free time you ask? This:

Got my hair cut! Three and a half inches in the back and five in the front. And I have bangs.

Time to go pick up the boys!


Anonymous said...

Nice hairdo, sis! By the way, ythat better not be the King-Size from upstairs. Cant wait to see you all.


Kristin said...

Amanda, I love your new hair! Too cute and it's a very flattering style on you.

Lance looks cute for MDO. He looks older than Easton for some reason.

Anonymous said... sexy mama! Lookin' hawt Amanda! :)

Tanya said...

My 2 1/2 year old son sounds just like Lance. He started preschool this year and literally never looks back to see me when I leave. He had a much easier transition than when my dd started. She had tears for months! I also got my haircut on their first day at preschool!