Wednesday, March 28, 2007


My poor little neglected blog. I have not had much to post lately. For once my house is clean and I have been trying to keep it that way. The weather is great so we have been outside and my computer is inside. And I really have nothing to say. So I think I will just give little kiddie tidbits.

"We'll be back in a second ago"
"You don't understood me"
"Is Easter yesterday?"
"Lancey is not understanding me"
And he refuses to wear any clothes that are 3T.

"Whered Mac go?" (his car)
"I hungee" (I'm hungry)
"Poop mess" (dirty diaper)
"Want crack" (crackers)
"Choc milk peas" (chocolate milk please)
"Git, Git" (calling Garrett)
"Soreeeeee" (Sorry)
And Lance is counting. I goes something like this: 1,2,3,5,9,1

Time to get ready for the Y and change the sheets on all the beds (Garrett had a rough night and wet two beds and Lance spit milk all over his)

1 comment:

LVMommy22 said...

lol! sounds like my house!
:))) M