Sunday, March 04, 2007


Lance had a great birthday! Lots of relatives, lots of presents, lots of good food and lots of cake. He was too cute when he was opening presents. Every present was ripped open and then followed by a "WOW Cool!" Every now and then he would say "dude!" That boy is too funny.

Here are a few pictures:

(yes, he is sitting in two chairs)

Here he is eating ice cream, cake and apple pie.

And the candle blowing video. I thought he was going to hyperventilate trying to blow the candles out.

I am all tuckered out. More later...

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Mmmm...Thomas cake. Looks like a good party. The sparkle in his eyes is great!

And that is a bunch o' candles for a mere 2 year old! He's too cute huffing and puffing over there.