Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Thanks for the great response! I never imagined so many people would come and grab my papers. There have been OVER 1,000 hits on my blog since Monday morning. WOW! Now I have no way of knowing if everyone downloaded the papers- or if they are even using them but the interest makes me happy. And I am attempting to make pattern papers now. Not as easy as solids! LOL! A few people asked where I got my textures. They are all mine. :) See Billy- unfolded laundry has its strong points.

And a few have asked what made me decide to attempt to design something. I am the type of person that wants to know it all. I want to learn PSE5 and start using the many tools it offers. So I did a little research and read a few tutorials and combined all I learned and made papers. It was fun to do and opened a whole new world of learning for me.

Here is another link if the ones below expire: CLICK HERE

We went for his 2 year check up yesterday. The boy is big. He is 35 3/4 inches long (95%) which is 1/4 inch shorter than Garrett was at 2. I don't remember his weight but it was in the 75%. So was his head. Everything checked out ok and he only had one shot.

He is talking a mile a minute now. He newest is "Wook Ma!" He says that constantly when we are driving somewhere. And he is aware of bodily functions. He thinks it is funny to run and tell me "I toot!"

A little funny: We got Sonic drinks today after going to the Y. Garrett was drinking his pretty fast and I guess he inhaled a little bit of his Sprite. He told me he had "Sonic drink snot and it is cold!" Made me laugh.

Billy made us a garden! The boys are so excited that they get to plant their seeds this weekend. We will be growing tomatoes, peppers and watermelon. Garrett thinks we will grow watermelon.

I am just great! My house is in need of some spring cleaning and I could really use another arm. Or maybe x-ray vision so I could see through the walls when the boys are in another room. But life is good.

Trev is getting old. He is looking pretty pathetic right now. He was bit this past weekend and had to have a couple staples on the top of his head. In addition to the teeth he had pulled and his vaccinations he is feeling the pain right now. Poor Trev. We really have no idea how old he is most likely over 10 years old. He looks older right now with half of his head shaved and a droopy mouth where his tooth use to be.

I have 2 for your viewing pleasure.



Time to go make supper!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love your layouts! Your color choices are great . . . and I love that purple wrap-around ribbon.