Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Garrett has a sinus infection. I knew when his eyes had yucky green stuff in them it couldn't be good. He is on a round of antibiotics, cough medicine and hiney cream (his words). The hiney cream is for the rash that will come with the antibiotic because he is allergic to it. It is a mild reaction compared to what happens when he takes amoxicillin. He looks like he polka dotted himself with that one.

Lance is doing fine. He is no longer walking. He is running. His upper body goes a lot faster than his little feet and he just tumbles over. He also carried things when he walks. Today he had a DVD case, a fruit snack wrapper and a Hot Wheels in his hands. He walked all over the house holding onto all that.

Earlier I heard Lance scream and I went to investigate. Garrett was standing over him. I asked Garrett if he knocked Lance down (a new fun game he plays). He told me "Yes, I'll go to the naughty chair." He thinks that he can put himself in the naughty chair and it will be all better. Stinker.

Well, here is another scrapbook page I did tonight. I am doing something different. I left the area to the right blank. I plan on putting one of the bracelets from the hospital there. Kinda mixing traditional and digital scrapbooking.

Credits:: Stitching is Jen Wilson's and everything else is from Sugar Coated Gumdrops by Faith True. Curve template is Gina Miller.

Sweet Dreams!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey amanda! I just wanted to drop a hello. Your blog page is so awesome.....I am trying to set something up. I hope that all is well in the Heimann house....clayton and I have been doing fine. He has been traveling a LOT and will be traveling a lot more in April, No fun, but for he trip he "gives me permission" to go and buy myself a little present. Haha! I know he doesn't want to be gone so it is pretty sweet. I am so happy today is Friday! I am not sure what Clayon and I will do this weekend, but definitely sleep in. I just love the picture you posted of the boys hitting on each other! that was hilarious and yes does remind me of my childhood too! haha. Yall take care and we are thinking of yall!