Tuesday, March 21, 2006

I'm So Excited!

Two posts in one day! Aren't you special?

I am posting because I found out today that I am now a member on a creative team for Faith True. How cool is that??? Some of you might be wondering what that is and I will be glad to answer you. I will make layouts using her digital scrapbook kits and post them on a few online galleries. I am so excited to have this opportunity. I can't believe I was chosen (cue the tears). Seriously- it is a great honor and will be a great experience for me. If you want to check out Faith here is her blog- Simple Thoughts. So stayed tuned for new layouts with new products!


Margie said...

How exciting for you! Congratulations!

Deanna said...

Can't wait to see more!
I'll send you more "girl" pictures!