Sunday, February 11, 2007


That is Billy's ankle. He sprained it yesterday. He was working cows and fell in rut on the ground. His ankle rolled inwards and he felt/heard a pop. The picture is what it looked like last night. He wrapped it and put some ice on it.

When we got up this morning it was very swollen and a pretty shade of purple. So he went to the ER while the boys and I went to church. He just came home on crutches and has a fiberglass splint on it. The doctor thinks it is just a sprain but his foot was so swollen he was not sure. So Billy has to go to a orthopedic doctor this week to have it looked at again.

Never a dull moment around here.

Be back later with pics and stuff...


Deanna said...

Looks like Billy got something for his birthday after all! :(

Looks horrible- tell him I hope he feels better soon!

(Billy- you look like you were about to crack up when Amanda was snapping these shots- poor guy couldn't get up to put up a fight- could you?!)

Love ya! Dee

Kristin said...

Ouch...he heard a POP?!?!? I hope it's only a sprain. Is Garrett going to let him have birthday presents now?

Poor hubby. It's a very pretty shade of purple.

Dani said...

OH OUCH! Hope he gets better soon!