Friday, February 09, 2007


Billy's birthday is this Wednesday. Since that is Valentine's and AWANAS night we are celebrating on Sunday. We had a discussion tonight while giving the boys a bath about the festivities. Garrett was VERY adamant about Daddy NOT getting any presents. Billy told him he wanted a new cooler. Garrett's response was "you already have 2 in the garage." When Billy told him he gets a present because he was a good boy Garrett's response was "you were not a good boy. You said naughty words." So it looks like Billy will not be getting any presents this year. But he will get a cake- double chocolate!


KirstyB said...

Hahahaha...Bad Billy!!! But mmmmmmm...double chocolate cake!!! YUMMY!!!

Deanna said...

Love it- I laughed out loud.

...the "but you already have two in the garage.." cracked me up- how many times do we say things like that as least he listens (to the naughty words too!)

Love YA!

Ryan & Ann said...

I love your stories! It was a great laugh during all the papers I am writing. Can't wait to see you guys again.