Sunday, April 29, 2007


WHEW! It has been BUSY around here! I don't even know when the last time I posted was or what it was about. Let me just give you the condensed version of our activities:

Field Trip to a fun farm (pictures still on my camera)
Pre-Op appointments
Lance's operation- tubes in and adenoids out
Billy working a lot
Me working when I can
Initiated the sprinkler
Spending afternoons outside

Just busy, busy, busy!

Lance's surgery went good. He was not happy when he came out of the anesthesia. And he is recovering fine. He has his moments. Hopefully this is the last time we need to do this. Lance has added to his pile of stuff he drags around everywhere. His Thomas beach towel he got at Easter. He calls it his Thomas train blank. Blank is short for blankie. And ever since Friday he is attached to his pacifier. We were slowly breaking him of using it during the day but he was in such pain and so sad I gave in.

Garrett is doing fine. He goes and goes until he crashes. And it is not pretty. He announced the other night that he was getting me Oreos for Mother's Day. And when I was dropping him off with my mom the other day we were discussing why Lance was not with him and the surgery. He asked if Lance was going to the hospital and I told him he was. He then asked if "Lance be bornded again? Is he back in your tummy?"

OK- that is a wrap for today. My new blog/site will be open on Tuesday (maybe sooner) and will have a forum and gallery. Until then...

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