Monday, April 02, 2007


What a great weekend we had! It was a little dreary Saturday morning but it did not stop Billy from taking the boys to the BBQ. They had a good time. They love their "Guys Only" adventures. They even stopped on the way home and got me some flowers- a flat of begonias. We tried to get Lance to take a nap but he decided to spend the time spitting his milk out instead. So I let him watch Cars and this is how we found him 10 minutes later.

Later on Garrett declared that we were having pizza for supper. He went with Billy to the "pizza shop" to get it. This was the highlight of his day. Then it was time for showers and bed. I stayed up way to late loading stuff into the store and Billy fell asleep before SNL which is unheard of!

Sunday I overslept and missed church. Billy got up early, made breakfast and almost had the boys ready to go to church by the time I got up. After they came home and Garrett ate all the leftover pizza we tried to get the boys to nap. Didn't work. So we planted our flowers and looked for worms. The rest of the day was spent outside playing. It was gorgeous out and we enjoyed it.

The boys came up with an interesting game. From what we could understand, Lance was the puppy and Garrett was walking/running him and the slinky was the leash. It was amusing.

And today we just hung around the house. Did some laundry, cleaned the playroom and boy's room, played doctor.

It was uneventful until Garrett was trying to catch Lance with the butterfly net and knocked/pushed Lance down on the patio and gave him a huge owie. Lance was really upset but paci and Cars calmed him down.

(pretend calling Daddy to tell him about it)

But the big news around here is that we have a new pet. Garrett has named him (I am guessing it is a him) McQueen.

McQueen loves to climb up our tree, jump to the bird feeder and shake it so the seed falls to the ground. He then gets on the ground and eats. Lance thinks it is hilarious and about dies laughing when the squirrel eats. The were constantly running to the window to look for him.

See Billy, I made it an entire post without showing anything scrapbook related. Although I am going to scrap some of these pictures!


LVMommy22 said...

mcqueen is very cute and any pet you don't have to take care of is even better, lol! thanks for sharing all the pix!
:) M

Sarah96 said...

ohhh poor Lance..what an owie. Love the pet! lol